Fondation Thorens, domiciled at Engelgasse 107, 4052 Basel, Switzerland,
is a foundation established by Daniel Blaise Thorens and his wife Riitta in 1996. The
foundation's substantial initial capital was generously donated by Mr. And Mrs. Thorens
from their private funds. The object of the foundation is to provide financial support and
relief to artists in distress or in a financially critical situation.
In the few years of its existence Fondation Thorens has been able to help many artists in need by making cash contributions or paying for urgent medical or dental care. The foundation does not engage in any business activity, therefore it does not organize exhibitions, nor does it sponsor any artists or projects. Fondation Thorens is a foundation organized under Swiss law, duly registered with the registry of commerce of Basel-City and supervised by the Cantonal Department of Justice of Basel-City. Fondation Thorens can be contacted at Fondation Thorens |